What is Facebook # 'hashtag' Number on their Status Update and Comments

Want to know what #hashtag plus number of your friend’s status and comments on their Facebook timeline all about. They’re playing the number game that uses the # tag intended directly to a certain friend on FB.
If you're always on Facebook and seeing other people or friends using # 'hashtag' plus numbers from 0-9 and don't know what the hell is that abou…
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If you're always on Facebook and seeing other people or friends using # 'hashtag' plus numbers from 0-9 and don't know what the hell is that about then we'll give little idea on what is that on this post. Hashtag is commonly used in social media sites and popular in Twitter, the words, letters or numbers that contain prefix # is used to link a topic that you are interested for the other users to see and connect to that hashtag. As this tagging is getting popular, Facebook also started using this for the same purpose of connecting the latest trends accross billions of users. You’re now seeing lot of FB uses using hashtag on their time line just like Twitter and other networking sites and community.

Facebook # 'hastag' number status

# Number status on Facebook

If you're seeing a #+1234567890 status on your Facebook feeds with a dedication or something like a message intended to that number (person) then you're friend is playing the game called 'The Number Game'. This game is pretty simple, don’t be confused on those numbers, where did they get those number and whose number is that. The hash tag #number is basically the number from the person they invited to try and play with this game or either that number is given from her or his friend. The exchange of number is usually done via private message 'PM' or direct message 'DM'. So if you're excited to know how it works, here's a short scenario provided below.

Here's how Number Games works:


FBUSER A - this person don't know what's going or what those #numbers all about (this is you or me. lol)
FBUSER B - this person is a friend of FBUSER A (friend of yours playing the Number Game) who's flooding the feeds with #message or status (ex. #420 blah blah blah..)
FBUSER C - this person also do not know about 'The Number Game' and a friend of FBUSER A.

Ready set start!


Give your desired number or any number on your mind to FBUSER B (to your friend). Since FBUSER B know the drill of this game this person will just put something on his or her timeline saying something about (FBUSER A) you without mentioning your name. The only way to determine that that message is intended to you is through #hashtag or the number you'd given to him or her. In case you give a number to another friend (FBUSER C) who doesn't know about 'The Number Game' just tell this person that you are in for this game. Inform him/her through inbox (PM/DM) to tell something about you via status including the number you'd given with a #hastag (Example: #6210).

That's it guys, you can also share this with your friend who want to play this viral game called 'The Number Game. You can also like and visit the FB page of this game www.facebook.com/TheNumberGame.
