Google’s new Android like Square Menu for Apps on homepage

Google's new look on homepage navigation menu is now the same with most Android phone's App launcher.
Just like what every internet user doing when internet is online at home, while doing a Google search I was surprised to see the new look of our favorite search engine…
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Just like what every internet user doing when internet is online at home, while doing a Google search I was surprised to see the new look of our favorite search engine I don’t know how I went to that new and neat interface and to my excitement I hurriedly click the square right beside the sign in button without noticing the previous navigation look. There you go, after I clicked the square window menu then it displays your favorite Google products like YouTube, Gmail, Maps, Play Store, Drive, Calendar and more.

Square Menu

Another new from Google homepage is the logo color. If you compare it with previous logo the new design has little lighter color tone.

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Looking on the search results interface is nothing new but after comparing it to the old style you can now see the ‘Shopping’ on the top menu. Before this options is under “More” dropdown menu on black navigation header.  You can now directly search a product you want on Google’s shopping list in a single switch search click.

If you're excited when this new look takes effect right on your browser, read more about that right here. And if you happen to try this new look, do drop us your comment and feedback on how much you like it. 
