Download Psiphon VPN Handler UI Versions (APK File)

Use Psiphon on your Android mobile phone to access internet without restrictions by downloading Handler UI mod all you need to do is input your network settings on its menu.
To those who are looking to download Psiphon that is being mod to Handler UI versions by Dzebb we list down all possible versions that we had gathered online. This is to helpother…
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To those who are looking to download Psiphon that is being mod to Handler UI versions by Dzebb we list down all possible versions that we had gathered online. This is to helpothers to install the APK file on their Android phone. For those who don’t know how Handler UI mod works, check our previous post that talks about setting up Psiphon on using your respective network Psiphon setup.

Psiphon Handler
Psiphon handler UI (Front, Middler, Back Query 

Download Psiphon Handler Mod Version

  • Psiphon HandlerUI v82 APK
    Psiphon HandlerUI v82
  • Psiphon HandlerUI v100 APK
    Psiphon HandlerUI v100
  • Psiphon HandlerUI V103

After installation, you have to provide proxy server, URL, port, and other settings on your respective network for the application to work.

See also Download ProNET VPN V10.xx version APK files.

Do note that we do not own the file, those links are publicly available online. Credit goes to modders (Dzebb + Handler). Use the app at your own risk; we are not responsible for anything that might happen on downloading and installing the app.
